Photography work
Since 2023 I’ve been learning about shooting film. For a long time I’ve been interested in photography and I’ve enjoyed digital photography but never really dove in. Since learning how engaging the physical film process is, I’ve been out making photos as often as I can.
These categories below represent the different types of work I’m exploring at the moment. I imagine this will grow and change as I grow and change my approach to photography.
Morning series
Mornings have never been my thing but finding time to go out for a few hours to shoot has made me appreciate how beautiful it is early in the day. The air is fresh, the world is still and quiet, the day is full of new possibility. These photos are some selections from those morning shoots.
In college I had an assignment to sketch one famous building in the Bay Area per week. The only requirement was that you did it on-site but you could choose whatever angle you wanted and if you wanted to include the full building our just a part of it. That was one of my favorite assignments. It taught me to be patient, to look closely at what I was seeing and to appreciate the variety of architecture.
Now, spending my time making photos, I’ve really enjoyed focusing on the buildings I come across. The photos below represent that work. I consider an image to be “Architectural” if the primary focus and meaning of the photo centers a man made structure.
I love the quiet and gentleness of nature. I love knowing the awesome power of mother earth. I feel most at ease surrounded by nature. As the weather gets warmer in Portland, I am hoping to spend more time on photo hikes and I expect to add to this section over the years. For now, the following images are comprised of both nature landscapes and cityscapes.
These images are from my daily life. I try to carry a camera everywhere I go. It allows me to practice my photo skills, and capture memories day to day, like a visual diary.
Night works
I’m a night owl. I love the way everything looks different in the artificial lights we use to help us navigate, call us to a certain place, or keep us feeling safe in the darkness. When I was a kid I’d stay out as late as possible, savoring every minute, every hour past midnight.
In my adult life, I’ve long avoided the night due to a learned fear. In the last year or so I’ve been working on overcoming that. These pictures represent a big step forward for me. Out at night, totally focused on making images, relaxing the vigilant part of my mind that normally races at every sound, person, or even the absence of sound and people. I’m loving it.
Recent rolls
A place to highlight my latest work before categorizing the images.